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Showing posts from November, 2017

Erin Marie is alive.

I don't think anyone will ever find these things of mine unless I tell them where to look. It's hard these days, in a never ending whirlwind of technology to sit down with a pen and paper and just let everything out. And I need to. I need to for myself and for the recovery of my brain. It's not proper to keep so many ideas and secrets inside of my head all the time. Friends are friends but who wants to listen to a broken record stuck on complaints. I don't complain a lot, really. I just have a lot of issues I need to get over. I'm not bitter, I just need to let things out sometimes. I always did write and I'm busy all the time but I've made a resolution about ten months too late to take more time out for myself instead of throwing myself into my work all the time. You know, I did that last week. I did art. I haven't done anything like that in over a year because nursing school is pretty much a death sentence for any kind of hobby. It's worth it, I